In a world of camera phones, snap chat, IG filters and social media feeds it’s all to easy to present an image that is somewhat better than it should be! I had never been into photography until I realized that to stand apart in a world of media time lines you need to capture an image that requires little edits to start with…
This, right here, is a talent.
I would love to say that this is blog about how skilled I am with a camera and all the images that have been recently shared with TuffWraps are my own doing but unfortunately I can’t, for this we have someone incredibly skilled to thank.
Max Ellis Photography - http://maxphotographic.com
When your photographer messages you the night before the shoot requesting simply that he has access to a sound system to play his own Heavy Metal music during the shoot you know you’re onto a winner!
We quite simply have a great team of athletes associated with TuffWraps UK and even with the planned 7:30 am start on a cold morning in February everyone was keen to tear into what turned out to be a very special day in our small companies life.
The day started with our physique athletes, getting a bit of a name for themselves as ‘the twins” they are no strangers to being in front of a camera and carry sheer professionalism throughout an entire 90 minutes shooting. Team shots, product shots, physique shots and pure unaware shots Max got them all…!
Turn around and quietly warming up you’d see our acrobat and aerialist Michaela. I remember watching acrobats as a child and fully appreciate the art of calisthenics but seeing it performed directly for the benefit of TuffWraps UK was something else.
I believe Max’s words to me during the edits were, “I was gonna go to the gym but then I got to Michaela, I’m in pixel heaven…”
Locker 27 is quite simply an amazing facility with a tremendous amount of diverse equipment. Before even asking, Max had organized an axle bar with tyres and a strong man spec dumb bell weighing in at a mere 60+kg to start the shoots with James. Not forgetting the oh so popular chalk dust shots!
Shooting 4 athletes with multiple product options and such a diverse team is tiring, its also long and the effort that everyone put in from all sides was just amazing. So what better way to finish off a great day than with a trip to Kingston for 5 Guys and Creams!
TuffWraps UK would like to thank everyone that made this possible…
……and of course the main man @maxphysiquephoto.
Please take a trip behind the scenes form my personal view of how the day panned out!