The world of strength sports is becoming more and more popular. Remembering back to when we all watched World Strongest Man on the TV at Christmas, it was exactly that, World Strongest "Man". It was never even questioned that if strongman was a sport that females would compete in or even have the platform for them to do it.
Roll the clock forward and the female involvement in the sport of Strongman or "Strongwoman" is just incredible. To quote some numbers this year we have seen TuffWraps very own Athlete Lucy Underdown set a new women's World Record deadlift of 300kg and also Annabelle Chapman press Axle bars weighting 131kg! Its definitely safe to say that Strongwoman is now here to stay!
This weekend saw the popular event promotors at Official Ultimate Strongman re write the rules for women's competition and go all out, setting up the the new event called UK's Strongest Woman with a full live stream and recording facilities which will air the whole event on national TV. Set in Ireland, 16 of the strongest women in the UK were flown in to compete in the two day invitation only event. The list included two of TuffWraps very own Athletes, Gemma Ferguson and Lucy Underdown, who would be competing against names that included Donna Moore, Annabelle Chapman, Rebecca Cumpsty, Rhiannon Lovelace, Rebecca Roberts and many more!
Events for Day 1.
- 70kg keg loading race
- 200kg brick frame deadlift
- Tug of war
The top 12 athletes from day one then progressed to day two.
Events for Day 2.
- 200kg tyre flip
- 100kg sandbag carry for distance
- Rising log press singles
- Truck pull
- 5 atlas stone run
The interesting point about this competition is that there were no weight classes, meaning that you saw lightweight girls like Gemma Ferguson up against opens weight athletes like Donna Moore. It just shows how hard these girls battled though the whole event and not once were there any signs of giving up from any of them.
The final standing after day 2.
- Donna Moore
- Rebecca Roberts
- Lucy Underdown - TuffWraps Athlete
- Rebecca Cumpsty
- Annabelle Chapman
- Rhiannon Lovelace
- Shannon Clifford
- Julia Mils
- Sam Taylor
- Ayshea Ullah
- Gemma Ferguson - TuffWraps Athlete
- Gemma Moore
Official Ultimate Strongman have created an excellent platform for the females of the sport to aim for and are doing a simply great job of promoting strength sports in general. Overall the event was fantastic and we cant wait to see how this evolves and grows into 2022.