As any fitness enthusiast knows…gym is life. If you do work a regular day job then train before or after work, the real joy comes from picking up the iron. It can feel like an out of body experience to sit in an office with your co-workers while mentally you’re tossing around weight in the gym. Conversations at lunch with co-workers don’t have much appeal to you and the daily grind is simply and block of time between gym sessions.
For some of us, the gym is a sanctuary or our “church.” It’s the one place we can go to where we can be ourselves, exactly who we were meant to be. The one place that “gets us.” Kinda like the theme song from the old popular show “Cheers.” “Sometimes you wanna go, where everybody knows your name.” The gym is always happy when we show up.
Rest days or “days off” can feel like a punishment. That’s when you know it’s more than just a hobby, or a healthy way of living.
It’s a lifestyle.
It’s a passion.
So make no apologies for it. We here at Tuffwraps believe that you should always pursue those passions that set your soul on fire. If you’re one of those people that you fell in love with the iron and it loved you back, then you’re our kind of people. But the great part about the gym, is that all are welcome to join in on this passion. anybody can live the FIT life!
So this was just a little way to say “thanks” for being a part of the TuffWraps community and thank you for stopping by to read our blog. Just know that there are others out there that “get” you fitness freaks and you’re OK with us! You’re our kind of people.
Photo: maxphotographic.com